Hands-on therapy that works with the musculoskeletal system to release muscles, facia, ligaments and tendon restrictions. Also increases circulation, lymphatic flow and flexibility while decreasing scar tissue, adhesions and pain, due to injuries and trauma.
Massage Therapy releases stress and muscle tension while helping to balance the psychosomatic relationship between the body and emotions.
There are several treatment modalities that fit under the heading Massage Therapy. Sarah will perform an initial assessment and choose the best treatment combination for your individual needs.
- Swedish Massage: Circulatory focus. Restful and rejuvenating. Especially helpful in removing lactic acid build up after aerobic activities and endurance sporting events.
- Deep Tissue: Deeper tissue and facia work. Especially effective on scar tissue and adhesions.
- Muscle Energy Technique (MET): A gentle and effective technique that balances out bone misalignments through resistive muscle stretching.
- Neuromuscular Technique (NMT): Releases "Trigger Points" to help to balance out the nervous system that is holding a particular muscle group tight.
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): A gentle therapy that works as a pump for the Lymphatic System moving the lymphatic fluid and debris build up in the lymph nodes. Decreases edema and swelling and helps to decrease chronic infections due to enlarged lymph nodes; for example chronic sinus infections and colds. Especially helpful after car accidents when swelling and painful tissues are irritated, after surgeries, and for folks who have fibromyalgia. Enables sensitive clients to be able to receive deeper work without pain.
- Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT): A 3-Planar Myofascial Release.
- Hawaiian Body Work: This style of bodywork integrates the emotions, body and spirit. Connects us with our psychosomatic "road map." Incredibly relaxing and insightful.
- Visceral Manipulation: Precise and highly effective form of manual therapy that addresses the organs, membranes, and their surrounding structures.
- CranioSacral Therapy: A gentle and deeply calming hands on therapy that is used to asses and balance the craniosacral system.